Tactics Ogre: Reborn is a remaster of the cult classic 1995 Strategy RPG Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together. However, it changes up enough of the original game to make it fresh for hardcore fans of the original. Though you will still be familiar with the core gameplay, old strategies and builds must be adjusted to account for the new balancing.
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Some classes are not as overpowered as they used to be, and leveling is treated differently than before. This will especially trip you up in the late game as the bouts get tougher and tougher. You know the game and want something more in-depth than some beginner tips. Read these tips below to get the upper hand on the later chapters, ensuring you have a fighting chance at seeing this game through to the end.
Keep 12 Fighters Trained From The Beginning
Initially, you only bring eight characters into battle with you. As the game goes on, however, this grows to ten and eventually 12 friendly units on the battlefield. If you are not ready for this and slim down your roster thinking the whole game lets you use just eight units, you might run into a wall for a little while.
To prevent this, try to have at least 12 units in the party from the outset to keep up with what will come later. If people fall behind, you can always train at selected towns. Even if lower-level units don't fight, they gain the same experience as long as they are on the field.
Wait For Enemies To Come To You
Rushing toward a target leaves your entire unit open to attack. While you push forward, you put yourself in range of archers and mages. By the time you reach the boss or target of any particular battle, you are too weak to have a chance. Often it's better to sit back near the starting area and let the units come to you.
This way, you have time to build up MP and collect the blue ability cards to beef up your characters. The target you have to beat to win sometimes moves faster than their underlings, so they might reach you first and be defenseless, making for an easy win.
Recruit Special Characters Gained From The Story
Tactics Ogre has many optional characters you recruit through battle and dialogue choices. Never pass up an opportunity to recruit them. If they are of a class similar to someone already in your unit, they often have better stats and even better gear. The characters you recruit change depending on what path you take through the story.
You might be attached to some of the characters you named yourself, but it's for the betterment of the squad if you replace them. These special characters also have unique sprites, making them easier to distinguish in battle and more convenient to pick targets. This is especially true once you reach chapter four, where some heavy hitters might join your crew if you played your cards right.
RELATED: Every Recruitable Character In Tactics Ogre: Reborn
Use The Pincer Skill For Big Melee Damage
Skills are class-based abilities that are either attacks, support abilities, or automatic buffs randomly activated at the start of certain turns. Many melee-based classes have Pincer. Though it's earned early, it remains a useful tool until the end of the game.
If you surround an enemy and melee attack them, the nearby ally one block from the enemy will also attack if they have the skill equipped. This gives you free hits, ensuring enemies go down quickly.
Take Out Healers First
Most story battles end when the target is eliminated. In general, it's best to focus all attacks on them. However, you should take out as many healers as possible first. If the target has high defense and all your might takes out half its health, two healers can give them back all the HP in just one turn.
With this in mind, take out healers before the all-out offensive on the enemy leader. Fortunately, healers generally have low HP. Another worthwhile effort is saddling the enemies with status ailments and debuffs when convenient. Even if they don't last long, the mages will waste a turn casting Ease instead of using healing magic.
Don't Take Action If You Don't Have To
RT is the measure of how long a unit waits until it can move again. Once RT reaches zero, it's time to act. When you take action, RT grows, so attacking has you waiting longer to act than simply moving.
With this in mind, you shouldn't take action if you don't have to. Your units will have a new turn sooner, keeping them available when you need them and allowing them to get MP faster. Sometimes no action is the best action.
MP Is Important For Every Class
MP works differently in this game than in many others. Everybody starts with zero, and it slowly rises on each turn. You can increase the amount gained with blue MP restoration cards found on the field. Additionally, some classes have the Meditate skill, which boosts MP.
This bar is important for every class and not just mages. Even melee attackers use MP for finishing moves. Sometimes the quickest way to end a battle. Be careful not to waste MP. For your tanks and melee units, it might be better to spare regular enemies and use all your finishing moves on the boss or main target.
RELATED: How To Recruit Every Class In Tactics Ogre: Reborn
Green Cards Are Vital For Stat Growth
Because of the level cap, stat growth can only go so far by simply killing enemies and gaining experience points. The better way to ensure your characters boost their stats ahead of enemies is by picking up the green cards on the fields sometimes dropped by dead adversaries. While blue ones only boost your character for the battle, the green ones are permanent.
It's easiest to get these while doing side-quests like Phorampa Wildwood, Palace of the Dead, or the Pirate's Graveyard. Some early battles in these dungeons are quite easy; they are low-pressure and allow your units to pick up these cards alongside other loot. These side quests are unlocked by visiting the Warren Report, opening the talk tab, and then reading the entries here.
Don't Group Up Your Units
It takes a lot of concentration and focus to keep track of 12 individual units on the battlefield. Sometimes there is not enough space to keep them comfortable together as they constantly block each other's way, whether that be in movement or in ranged attacks. Additionally, enemy mages start using spells that attack multiple targets.
If your team is grouped up in a square, mages can hit for of your allies at once for serious damage. This is why you should not group your units so close together. It's not always easy, but units can be close without being vulnerable to the same attack. Be especially sure not to get caught in a narrow passage of just two tiles; you will just be fish in a barrel.
NEXT: Tactics Ogre: Reborn - Complete Guide And Walkthrough